Road Trips Rock, Gas Prices Suck

Went on a road trip this past week. It’s been a LONG time since I got in a car and drove across the country, or even a small part thereof. I’d forgotten how cool it was to travel on the highways. Not the steering wheel grabbing part as I cuss out other drivers on the road, but the see the country and explore at a leisurely pace kinda of way.

It helped that I stopped in on family and friends. So without real solid dates, I endeavored to make a few stops and enjoy being the captain of my own ship, so to speak.

My road trip was preceded by a week of an awesome stay in New Orleans. Sheesh, I’d forgotten how much I  love that city. I haven’t been back since Katrina hit. And I was expecting more devastation than I saw. Which was good. But I suspect I just hadn’t driven into the parts that had been hardest hit. One of these days, I’ll go back and explore the more hidden parts, the less touristy ones.

I used to live in New Orleans. It was awesome. New Orleans is THE place to be if you’re a college student of any level. There’s lots to do and lots to see. Plus, the atmosphere of laissez le bon temps roulez was most excellent to help a person come into their own, albeit in a circuitous route that led down Bourbon Street on many a night. Still, I couldn’t have asked for a more relaxed community. Not to say there aren’t some under layers to the city. There are. Lots.

N’awlins was a mid-way point in my trek. A long resting spot that proved to be less than restful. Not that I’m complaining. I’m not. Just saying. 🙂 Instead of going west, I headed east from there. And not a little south. Florida was my next destination. I spent  four days there. I hadn’t really explored Florida, except right along the south beaches off I-10. Going down into the boot was vastly different. For one thing, the plants ROCK. It smelled so good. All those tropical and sub-tropical flora made the air redolent with sensuous scents. Hah, now I’m all waxing poetic and shit. Seriously, though, I hadn’t smelled air that sweet since I’d last visited Hawaii. Yum!

To say I really enjoyed the trip would be an understatement. I think I might plan a road trip every summer. I know. I know. That is totally not green. But whatever, dude. I did drive a hybrid car on this road trip and probably will plan to do so again. But no matter how imminent the shortage of petroleum might be, I am so willing to burn up a week or three in giving myself the happies. Ya know?

Smutty Sunday: The Will

Just doing one book today I’ve been uber busy and haven’t gotten around to reading a lot. But when Kristen Ashley’s The Will came out, well… I bought it immediately and carved some time out, yeah?

I usually wait to do a review because I need time to process what I’ve read. So many times, my reviews come days, sometimes weeks, after I’ve finished a book.

I couldn’t do that for this book.

I had also highly anticipated this book, ummm, because getting some KA without New York City editing (yes, I AM saying that as if I were in a Pace commercial) is the FREAKING bomb, yo. I tried to read it slow. Before I opened the book, I was worried it wouldn’t be as good. Then once I cracked it open, I was worried it would be over too fast. None of my worries mattered. Once I started, I couldn’t go slow. I tried, y’all. I really, really did.

I couldn’t do that for this book.

I’m also burnt out on NA books and just young acting people in books lately. So I got super excited when I learned these main characters would be older. Not much is new about that. Many of KA’s protagonists are older than the “norm.” I sighed with relief when I read these characters behaving not just like adults, but adults who aren’t irrational, shrewish or complete dicks.

This is VINTAGE Kristen Ashley. All the reasons I LOVED Sweet Dreams and several others were present in this book. I can’t lie to you though, her storyline is tighter than before she mingled with NYC. Her plotting is better. Overall, hanging with the NYC crowd has given VINTAGE KA polish, but what it didn’t do was gut the story and emotions and all the drama and clipped speaking and chin tilting that I have come to know and LOVE about her books.

And don’t get me started on the kids. Dude, very few authors can make so many secondary characters not just come to life, but do in LIVING FUCKING COLOR. It’s a gift. And she has it in abundance. I can’t tell you how many times, I have come to “know” the secondary characters almost as well as the primary ones. And in this book, it just started with the kids. The rest of the cast was just as brilliantly fleshed out.

Did KA stop there? No, boys and girls, she did not. Not only was the story about Jake and Josie a compelling one, there are underlying messages in her books. Here, there are threads of unselfishly loving someone, the redemptive power of love, AND don’t sit around and wait for good shit to happen to you, sometimes a lot of time is wasted when you do. Babies aren’t made, people die, love goes unrequited. All of that. In this book.

So hell yeah. RUN don’t walk to your computer and download this puppy like yesterday.

Music Monday: Still Loving You

Doing a little throwback for the listening selection for today. There are some GREAT tunes that came out of the 80s. The Scorpions had one of those songs. Alright, they had lots of those songs. But heavy metal bands doing ballads is one of the things I really miss about the 80s. So, in part for nostalgia and in part just because this song kicks ass… Still Loving You.

A Tribute To My Mother

I usually reserve Sundays for book reviews. I don’t know why. I just do it. But today is Mother’s Day. And my Mother passed away 3 years ago on April 7, 2011. So today, instead of doing a post about a book, this post is a tribute to my mother. It won’t be nearly long enough. I won’t get out everything I want to say. But still, here it is.

My first memory is of my mother. I woke up- I must have been about 2 years old- hungry and went in search of the person who fed me. My mom. To say I love her wouldn’t cover the myriad of emotions I feel toward the one woman who not only shaped me, but shaped and informed the world around me. She was everything in my world.

My mom’s courageousness never hit me until I was an adult and realized how HARD the things she did were. Like coming to a new country, learning a new language, and permanently changing her citizenship to a country she hadn’t been born in. And she did all those things for me. Of course, my father factored heavily into these things as well. But knowing my moms, I know a huge part of WHY she did some of those things were because of me. That’s just who she was. She loved me as well.

The day she went to that Federal Courthouse to take her oath and pledge her loyalty to America was a pivotal moment for me. Although, I wouldn’t realize that until much later as well. The joy I experienced in that courtroom never left me. Never. It dictated what I would study in school and which career path I would take.

I was not a good daughter. At times, I was downright shitty. Some of the things I said to my mom HAUNT me. And I know that I’m not alone. Teenagers across the world have said things that were meant to devastate just like I did. But that doesn’t matter to me. Because I said them to a woman who deserved praise and not ridicule. Not the scorn I heaped upon her.

I was lucky to have the mom I had. I learned to be a good mom in return. I learned to be most of what I am today because of her. She should have been given a better daughter. I wish she had. Then she might have had  more than I gave her. Not that I couldn’t. I just chose not to. In my arrogance.

My mom passed away three years ago and I regret the time we lost to my own selfishness. She was a superb human being. She pissed people off because she was blunt and direct when maybe sometimes she didn’t need to be. Judgmental at times. I know her flaws as well. Still, in the balance, my scale of goodness from her tips way to my side when balanced against her scale of goodness.

My mom knew sacrifice. She went hungry many times as a child so her younger brother and sisters could eat. It was post war and Korea was decimated. She gave up so much always for those around her who she loved. She used to come over and cook and clean for me when my kids were little so I could rest. How do you even begin to repay, honor or in any other way give back what she gave? I don’t know. I just sit here in awe of my mom.

My mom passed away 4 months after I moved from close to her to far away. I miss her every single day. Every single day. I have a box with her jacket in it. I know it still smells like her. I haven’t opened the box because I don’t want that smell to go away. I want that smell with me at my time. To be wrapped up in her and have her be the last memory I have just like I had the first.

Manday Monday

Yummalicious. Another Monday. Another hot man pic. What more could anyone ask for?!?!

There is just so much to like about this picture. So. Much.

Spring Fling Blog Hop Winner & NIGHT BLIND Release Day


We have a winner, boys and girls!

BookLady is the winner of my portion of the blog hop and is getting an ebook copy of FARSEEN. Keep checking back to see who wins the big rafflecopter prizes.  Woohoo for her! 🙂

Thank you to everyone who participated and made the blog hop a fabulous success! I had a really good time and I hope all of you did as well.


And the goodness doesn’t just stop there. 😉 Today is the day that NIGHT BLIND is on general release from Totally Bound. They are a fabulous group of people and my book can’t help but to have some of that fabulousness rub off on it.




Night Blind is Part 2 of the OtherKind Prequel. FarSeen is Part 1.  They are both standalone novellas in their own right. However, they are best read together.


Warning… maybe: One shifter new to manlove, one witch new to threesomes, and one vampire who’s been there and done that… a thousand times. At least. They’re all new to each other. Add in crazed bad guys unleashing diseases of mass destruction, and well… what happens in Dallas, it’s not gonna stay in Dallas. Light m/m action, some anal and LOTS of hot menage.



He walked toward her. Stalked would be a more apt description.

“Are you hungry, little witch?” he purred.



He took her face into his hands. Slowly, so she had time to protest, he brought his mouth closer to hers. Um, yeah, she was so not going to protest. Her magic flung itself out and wrapped around Lucien, rubbing up against his power. She didn’t need to see to know what it was doing. The rubbing was shooting sparks all over her body.

He brought his hand to the underside of her hair at the nape of her neck. He twined his fingers into her curls and gripped. Not hard but very firm. Using his leverage, he kept her head completely still.

He covered her mouth with his, almost touching. She could feel his breath on her lips, warm and humid. She couldn’t move her head, not one millimeter, his hold on her was that firm. All she could do was wait, wait for him to make the next move.

She knew vampires were notoriously controlling. She hadn’t thought about what that meant in the bedroom. Lucien was the Lord of the East. How much more controlling would he be compared to others of his kind? She had a feeling she was about to find out.

He bit down on her bottom lip. Then he licked the bite as if to soothe it. It did the opposite and shot her arousal into the stratosphere. She’d always liked a bit of pain with her pleasure. She had a feeling, though, her boundaries in that regard were going to be tested.



Barnes and Noble


Spring Fling Blog Hop 4/21-4/24

Welcome to the Spring Fling Blog Hop! Over fifty authors and bloggers have joined together to bring you some amazing posts, great giveaways and lots of fun! Don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter to win a Kindle tablet, gift cards, paperbacks and swag and be sure to check out the other blogs taking part.


This is my second Spring Fling. I knew it was going to happen that way when I signed up for the blog hops. What I didn’t know was just how crappy the weather sitch was going to be and just how much we’d need some more Spring. Maybe even a double dose of it. And if we can’t get it in the form of Mother Nature, then I’m betting that getting it in the form of blog hops with giveaways that include reading material to help while away the time on cold not-so-Spring-like days is the next best alternative. Gotta love that.

Having NIGHT BLIND available for general release on April 25, the day after the hop ends and when I announce my winner, well… that’s just more awesome, no? I put my warning blurb for NIGHT BLIND below so you know what you’re in for when you buy the book. Don’t forget to take a peek at the OtherKind page in Titles. 😉 In honor of this second Spring Fling and the release of NIGHT BLIND (an Other Kind Prequel Part 2), I’m giving away FARSEEN (an Other Kind Prequel Part 1) in ebook format. So leave me a comment as your entry to win FARSEEN. And don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter belew and visit other author’s sites to win more goodies.


Night Blind

One shifter new to manlove, one witch new to threesomes, and one vampire who’s been there and done that… a thousand times. At least. They’re all new to each other. Add in crazed bad guys unleashing diseases of mass destruction, and well… what happens in Dallas, it’s not gonna stay in Dallas. Light m/m action, some anal and LOTS of hot menage.

**Publisher’s Note: This book is best read after FarSeen.



That the Council members had been waiting on her was obvious. They were milling around chatting instead of engaging in Council business. When they saw her, they all began to move toward their seats.

Shit, what they wanted to discuss with her must be important. This did not bode well.

Sara walked up to her, turning her head this way and that. “You look tired, Enforcer.” Then she dropped her voice. “You need to get laid, child. Sex magic will verve you right up.”

Oh, my God. Sara did not just say that to her. She was so old that most made allowances for her crazy utterances. Still, the head of the Council did not just tell her to get her groove on so she could get back some of her mojo. Good Christ. Talk about totally inappropriate.

“Enforcer, please be seated at the table,” Sara, crazy old bat that she was, ordered.


a Rafflecopter giveaway




Are You Trying To Shame Me?

Cause you’re gonna have to try a little harder to make that shit work for you. I’m not ashamed. Not at all. Not one iota. I write romances. I read romances. And I LIKE that I do.

Wanna look down your nose at me? Fuck you.

Give me a minute, bet I can find something out about you that I can make into a shame sequence. Seriously? After all the shit that women get, now we’re getting shit because of the material we read? Bitch, please. Be happy that WE ARE READING AT ALL.

Wanna call me names? Fuck you… AGAIN.

I get the disparaging remarks about “mommy porn” as you laugh uncomfortably and look away. I get the light scoff/snort as you discuss the merits of romances being written at all, much less read–gasp–by a large percentage of the populace. I get the looks of derision and scorn when certain titles are mentioned and the genres they represent. I get it. I don’t understand it. But I get that some people feel that way.

All this was precipitated because of a blog post, Dear Columists, romance fiction is not your bitch, by Kat Mayo in the Drum. In that article, Kat defends the romance genre, romance writers and romance readers. And she does so brilliantly.

But you know what pisses me off? Feminists–who, by the way, are by and large WOMEN–are trying to shame other WOMEN for reading and writing in a genre that showcases WOMEN. And then the argument devolves into people pointing out that women are other women’s biggest adversary in today’s world. Wake the fuck up.

Wanna know the biggest adversaries to women in today’s world? Lack of education. Shitty health care. Disparate treatment in the workforce. And the list goes on because the list is fucking LONG, yo.

What ISN’T the biggest stumbling block for other women is WOMEN. Yes, there are times that women will argue. So what? I argue with dudes too when they’re fucking WRONG. My arguing with a women doesn’t automatically mean I’m being catty cause I have a vagina as well. It just means I don’t give a shit what gender you are when I point out that I think YOU ARE WRONG.

Talk about circling back. Dude, seriously. What is WRONG is dismissing the romance genre in its entirety because there happen to be one or ten shitty romance writers. Here, let me lay out my thesis in clear bold language. THE ROMANCE GENRE IS THE ONLY GENRE THAT MAKES WOMEN THE FOREFRONT AND CENTER OF THE STORY.

Let me say that again. Because it’s important. Really fucking important. The Romance genre is the only genre that makes women the forefront and center of the story.

No other genre does that. Not sci-fi. Not westerns. Not literary fiction. Not middle grade fiction. Not thrillers. Not horrors. Not picture books. Not cookbooks. Not devotionals. Not fantasy. Not histories. Not poetry. Not one other genre makes women the centerpiece of the story.

And that boys and girls never happens in real life. Not really. Women are secondary characters in real life. Every once in a while, we’ll have the token women break through and get her own story, but that happens so rarely as to be statistically irrelevant. And when it does, the larger story hers is contained within is usually the man’s story. Don’t believe me? Crack open any history book. Ever. Shit, crack open a historical fiction book and although the story might seem like it’s about the girl, it’s about the dudes in the book. Really. You just get the reaction perspective from the women’s point of view in regards to what the dudes are doing. So being told in the feminine perspective doesn’t mean the story places the woman at the forefront, at the center, as the CRUX of the story.

The romance genre has been doing that since the genre developed. Women, and some men, reading about women navigating their shitty societies and societal restrictions, figuring shit out, being the REASON for the story. And yes, real women know there aren’t that many happy endings. Shit. WE KNOW. We know there are things in the books that aren’t realistic. Dude. WE KNOW. But there is a measure of empowerment and satisfaction from immersing oneself into a world where a women’s story as she navigates her life and relationships isn’t secondary, or an afterthought, or an addendum.

And really, isn’t it easy to bash the romance genre because it involves women? Doesn’t it seem that we’re all a little quicker to bash the things women like, read, or want? I don’t need to be shamed because someone else thinks my reading and writing material isn’t up to intellectual snuff. I don’t need someone denigrating me because of my choice in genre. Didn’t we already go through this in the science fiction genre and the horror genre. All this name-calling because someone else’s opinion renders an ENTIRE class of writing dismissed.

Part of being a free women today means I get to read what the fuck I want. AND I feel no shame. It also means that I get to write the fuck I want. And again, I FEEL NO SHAME.  Shame has no place in literary discourse of any kind. Discuss the merits of the work, or body of works, and have rational discussions about this. Even if we agree to disagree. I don’t NEED to argue someone to my point of view. I could really give a shit less what you think, or what you read, or whatever. And even if I thought it was shit, I wouldn’t disparage the entire genre or you as a person for reading that shit. You’d probably never know. Because reading material is individual and what we get out of a reading is also individual. So one book for me might be shit and it might have been the greatest book you’ve ever read. That’s cool.

But don’t tell me I’m perpetuating the stereotypes of a type of women that you might find distasteful. In doing that, you are doing nothing more than what the patriarchal system has been telling women all along. You shouldn’t do this because it isn’t feminine has now become you shouldn’t do this because it’s TOO feminine. Fuck you. Determine your level of femininity or lack thereof and then do that. Don’t look around and tell other people to do that too, and if they don’t do what you tell them then say they suck because that just makes YOU SUCK.

My reading and writing material doesn’t make me more or less feminine. Neither does it determine my commitment level to feminism. All it says is that I want to read a story where the central figure and the story is about a women living her life. That is all.

So if you’ve got shit to say to me about my reading and/or my writing material and its start out with the romance genre sucks… just shut the fuck up. There’s only one place the shame in the situation should be sitting. And it’s not on my shoulders. And I won’t thank you for trying to lay that shit at my feet. Keep it. I’ve got enough shit to deal with. I so don’t need yours.


Autism Awareness Blog Hop Winner

We have a winner, boys and girls. WOOHOO. I’m pleased to announce that parisfan was picked using the randomizer at

click the pic to go to the main hop page


Let me know if you want HAT TRICK or FARSEEN and the preferred format.

Congratulations for on the win, parisfan! And thank you to everyone else who helped make this blog hop a huge success.

Music Monday: Love Don’t Die

I should’ve chosen the Fray’s Love Don’t Die as a pick in February. I didn’t. Whatevs. String me up by my toenails. Or something equally gruesome and horrific. Or not. Or maybe, just listen to the song ’cause love isn’t confined just to February or Valentine’s Day or some other artificially made up calendar event. Plus, it’s just a cool ass song.
