Music Monday: Satisfy

MOONZz combines a bluesy sound with a chill beat. Her voice is singular in a world of same-old, same-old. ย Even as Satisfy is sampled for the Victoria’s Secret commercial, it’s just not enough. So, here’s the full version. Enjoy!


Music Monday- Tributes

We’ve had some passings this week that make me sad. David Bowie passed as did Glenn Frey. Both of these two musicians have touched my life at different points. So, it may seem odd that I not feature Bowie’s music, but rather the theme song from a movie, The Hunger, in which he co-stared with Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon. While his music made me smile a lot, it was this movie that really made Bowie real in my mind. As for Frey, I chose the most iconic of the Eagles songs to pay him tribute. I hope you enjoy. As I will, again and again. Because even though they aren’t with us anymore, their art lives on.

Music Monday feat. Calvin Harris

& Disciples singing How Deep Is Your Love

What a great beat and club song. But seriously, the melody is only as strong as the voice. And the voice is strong in this one, yo.

Music Monday 10/11/15

More music because writing needs a theme song track, y’all. Seriously. So I was writing and then I heard a commercial come on a and wouldn’t you know it, but the song really made my brain sit up and take notice.

I thought I’d share. Here you go.

Bishop singing Wild Horses. Bet it gets you going as well.

Music Monday 9/28/15

Writing the sexy love scenes. It’s a pretty big one with turmoil and angst. Soooo, I needed some music to make that happen. And of course, it had to be sexy as well. Which brings me to the Weeknd. Gotta love an artist who went out on a limb to do the soundtrack song for Fifty Shades when others wouldn’t. But then he came up with even more goodness.

First up is the theme song from Fifty, Earned it.


Next up is Can’t Feel My Face. Which, of course, is about one of my favorite sexy activities. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the music selections. And here’s hoping my crazy sex scene makes it’s way into real life… your life.

Wizards of Winter: Part Deux

I know, I know, I did this song last year. And I don’t like repeating songs. At all. But, this rendition is awesome. Last year, it was just one house that did the synchronized light display. This year, a WHOLE frickin’ block synchronized their lights to Wizards in Winter.

Yes, I know the song title is incorrect. Unfortunately, the uploader of the video titled the YouTube this way. The music is Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The coolest neighborhood in America is located in Yucaipa, California.


Music Monday: Waves

Totally digging’ Mr. Probz’s Waves. So cool sounding, bluesy, jazzy and tots awesome. Like water. A tall drink of water. I mean what else would the title inspire if not H2O related. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The first version is mostly just the man and the instruments. Excellent.


This next one is the radio remix that you’ve been hearing on the airwaves. Well, if the song is playing in your neck of the woods. lol Both are excellent, but they do sound different.

Music Monday: Big Hair Boy Bands

I haven’t had much time or opportunity to listen to music lately. Which makes me sad. I love music. Can’t make it in any shape or form, but shoo I love me some tunes. Like a lot. Plus, I have an excellent ear. Not for picking music, although I do think I have an uncanny knack for knowing which new bands will make something of themselves, but you know… the ear. I know I can’t sing because I can hear how shitty I am. Really shitty, yo. But that’s neither here nor there. (<– What the hell does that even mean?!?! :))

And I’m probably dating myself. Because I’m doing a throwback to guys with big hair, long hair, you know… feathered hair, a/k/a Farrah Fawcett hair. Some even had mullets- business in the front and party in the back. lol And it’s from my adolescence. I grew up with these guys. They had better hair than most of the girls back then. Seriously.

Is any 80s line up complete without some Journey? I think not. A ballad is what I’ve picked. And here is Journey’s Faithfully.

The second pick is Def Leppard. I must say they were one of my favorite bands. I really, really think it was the hair. I mean, come on. Take a look and I bet you too would’ve swooned back in the day. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Rock of Ages, y’all, live in concert so you can see the hair move.



Music Monday: Still Loving You

Doing a little throwback for the listening selection for today. There are some GREAT tunes that came out of the 80s. The Scorpions had one of those songs. Alright, they had lots of those songs. But heavy metal bands doing ballads is one of the things I really miss about the 80s. So, in part for nostalgia and in part just because this song kicks ass… Still Loving You.

Music Monday: Love Don’t Die

I should’ve chosen the Fray’s Love Don’t Die as a pick in February. I didn’t. Whatevs. String me up by my toenails. Or something equally gruesome and horrific. Or not. Or maybe, just listen to the song ’cause love isn’t confined just to February or Valentine’s Day or some other artificially made up calendar event. Plus, it’s just a cool ass song.
