Today is Music Monday. It also happens to be Tax Day. Geez, if there ever needs to be a day for music, it has tax day, yeah? Not just to help start off the week on a good note, but to help with the pain that today represents for most people. Seriously, if you don’t get your taxes done today, at least send in an extension.
I came to the whole Radiohead phenomena late. My first album of theirs that I listened to was Kid A. I loved it. It was something that was different and new. Everyone had been talking about them for a while. Radiohead was still getting used to their success. They went from virtually unknown to known in like a day. It was crazy. So for your listening pleasure, I found a youtube of Kid A.
Now the other artist that I am throwing up here couldn’t be more different from Radiohead. I have been digging on Rihanna. The first is her and Eminem, Love the Way you Lie. The video has a real young Megan Fox. The second is her new song Stay feat. Mikko Ekko. All this music is kinda sad in its own way. They have stories within them. Not all of them good. But even with taxes due today, there are some things that are even worse. Yeah?
Starting out the week can be hard. After the laid back weekend, being a work week is for most people, me included, a craptastic thing to do. But I think that music can make anything better. So in my quest to find a way to make Mondays better, I decided to start the work week with a song or two.
Yesterday I went shopping for some trees for my yard. I no longer live in a housing development that is regulated by a homeowners association, which is GREAT. But I do live in a city that has pretty strict regulations about how many trees have to be in my yard. I will take the tree regulation over the crazy homeowners association Nazis any day of the week. I got two apple trees cause I love apples. they are dwarf trees so they will not grow as big a regular apple trees. And I had to buy two because they aren’t self-pollinating. The bees in my areas haven’t been decimated by whatever is going on with bees in other parts of the country so I am GRATEFUL for that. The bees will pollinate my trees and I will hopefully have apples. Not expecting them this year but maybe next year I will get a small crop of them.
I also got two cherry blossom trees. Because they are a big deal where I live now. We even have cherry blossom festivals and the like. So I decided to get in the spirit and get a couple for my yard. Again, I am hoping that next year my trees will bloom as the festival gets underway. Like they belong to the group of other cherry blossom trees.
Not wanting to stop there and because I had 5 trees die last year, I picked up a red leaf maple as well. I wanted my tree leaves to have some variety. Green leaves, yellow leaves and red leaves now adorn my yard. And I don’t mean for fall when all the tree leaves naturally change color. But during spring and summer as a natural part of their foliage costume. I did this because one of the things I really like about fall is the changing color of the leaves. But I wanted it for the whole growing season. And with the different types of trees available that have different color leaves, it totally is.
So how does this all tie into music you ask. Well, as I was browsing different green houses and tree farms yesterday, they had music piping through the area. And some oldies but goodies were playing. It made shopping for trees that much more fun. And what should be playing but some Red Hot Chili Peppers. Awesomeness right? It got my Sunday going GREAT. So I am looking at my new trees this morning and I have some RHCP playing as I look at them. Somehow as I look at my trees and listen to some music, Monday doesn’t seem so bad.
No this post isn’t about weather. Although it could be. This is about the manuscript I am working on at the moment. Gonna be a mid-length May-December romance. And not the cougar kind where the woman is older than the man. Nope. This is your plain jane, average, run-of-the mill kind where the guy is older than the girl. Not creepy older. About 12, 13, 14 years older. He is also the boss but she is not the secretary. lol I like to write my chicks to be more. I like reading about heroines that are smart, sexy, and fun. So that’s how I write ’em. My girl in this story is a forensic accountant. And she ROCKS.
So I was listening to a CD I have. It is a chill-out CD. Cause I can’t write to just anything. It has to groove a little. Ya know? But not too groovy or I wanna dance. And not too slow or I wanna sleep. Too much beat makes me crazy and not enough is distracting. I need that stuff that is in the middle. So I am listening to the CD and what is playing but Stryke’s Aint No Sunshine. This is a chill out version. And it is about an older guy messing around with a younger girl.
I am thinking that in the song, the age of the girl is really young. Don’t get all crazy. It’s just a song. Although it happens in real life, my story is about a woman who is around 27 or 28. See, not crazy young. I am not a big fan of real young girls in real life being hit on by old dudes. It squicks me out. But an adult woman and a slightly older adult man? Well, that makes a good romance story line, no?
So for your listening pleasure and for mine to keep the story line in my head as I write is Stryke’s Aint No Sunshine.
Music and writing go together in my opinion. I especially like listening to certain tracks as I write a particularly sensual scene. So I am going to hunt up some music and try to get them embedded into this blog. Enjoy!!!
The one I have with this post is Silence- Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan. This is the Michael Woods Trance Remix. The original Karma album version and this one are my favs.
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