Brief Author Update

I have submitted Haven:Bondmates to Entwined Publishing. They published the two novellas, FarSeen and Night Blind, in the same universe that the book is set in. Haven:Bondmates delves deeper into the magic of the parallel Otherkind universe and begins a suspense mystery which is killing the OtherKind and interfering with their mate bonds. A coalition of humans and OtherKind are medically and magically experimenting on the OtherKind learning how to kill the mate bonds, which has the potential to alter the very fabric of their world. As more and more OtherKind turn up dead, the race is on to find out who is behind these nefarious acts and why they are engaged in these experiments. This is a multi-book series that is as hot as it is fast paced and suspenseful. Entwined have had it for almost three months and I am having a nervous breakdown. Fingers crossed that they love it and agree to publish it!

I have the rights back to both books in my Name of the Game series, Home Run and Hat Trick. I have taken the first steps to revise them from novellas into novels. They will be expanded and rereleased at some point this year. I have an editor and now I need a cover designer. I have also a mapped out two more books in the series. One about a male rugby player, Hookers and Haka, and a female basketball player, Hang Time. Be on the lookout for the rereleases and the new ones as well. This is my first foray into self-publishing and it should be interesting to say the least.

I am in the process of editing a huge new romantasy saga. Can’t wait to share all the deets. Also, I am editing a contemporary suspense thriller, Drive, while I write book two, Shift, in the LG Custom series as well. More to come on that.

Spring Fling Blog Hop Winner & NIGHT BLIND Release Day


We have a winner, boys and girls!

BookLady is the winner of my portion of the blog hop and is getting an ebook copy of FARSEEN. Keep checking back to see who wins the big rafflecopter prizes.  Woohoo for her! 🙂

Thank you to everyone who participated and made the blog hop a fabulous success! I had a really good time and I hope all of you did as well.


And the goodness doesn’t just stop there. 😉 Today is the day that NIGHT BLIND is on general release from Totally Bound. They are a fabulous group of people and my book can’t help but to have some of that fabulousness rub off on it.




Night Blind is Part 2 of the OtherKind Prequel. FarSeen is Part 1.  They are both standalone novellas in their own right. However, they are best read together.


Warning… maybe: One shifter new to manlove, one witch new to threesomes, and one vampire who’s been there and done that… a thousand times. At least. They’re all new to each other. Add in crazed bad guys unleashing diseases of mass destruction, and well… what happens in Dallas, it’s not gonna stay in Dallas. Light m/m action, some anal and LOTS of hot menage.



He walked toward her. Stalked would be a more apt description.

“Are you hungry, little witch?” he purred.



He took her face into his hands. Slowly, so she had time to protest, he brought his mouth closer to hers. Um, yeah, she was so not going to protest. Her magic flung itself out and wrapped around Lucien, rubbing up against his power. She didn’t need to see to know what it was doing. The rubbing was shooting sparks all over her body.

He brought his hand to the underside of her hair at the nape of her neck. He twined his fingers into her curls and gripped. Not hard but very firm. Using his leverage, he kept her head completely still.

He covered her mouth with his, almost touching. She could feel his breath on her lips, warm and humid. She couldn’t move her head, not one millimeter, his hold on her was that firm. All she could do was wait, wait for him to make the next move.

She knew vampires were notoriously controlling. She hadn’t thought about what that meant in the bedroom. Lucien was the Lord of the East. How much more controlling would he be compared to others of his kind? She had a feeling she was about to find out.

He bit down on her bottom lip. Then he licked the bite as if to soothe it. It did the opposite and shot her arousal into the stratosphere. She’d always liked a bit of pain with her pleasure. She had a feeling, though, her boundaries in that regard were going to be tested.



Barnes and Noble


Spring Fling Blog Hop 4/21-4/24

Welcome to the Spring Fling Blog Hop! Over fifty authors and bloggers have joined together to bring you some amazing posts, great giveaways and lots of fun! Don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter to win a Kindle tablet, gift cards, paperbacks and swag and be sure to check out the other blogs taking part.


This is my second Spring Fling. I knew it was going to happen that way when I signed up for the blog hops. What I didn’t know was just how crappy the weather sitch was going to be and just how much we’d need some more Spring. Maybe even a double dose of it. And if we can’t get it in the form of Mother Nature, then I’m betting that getting it in the form of blog hops with giveaways that include reading material to help while away the time on cold not-so-Spring-like days is the next best alternative. Gotta love that.

Having NIGHT BLIND available for general release on April 25, the day after the hop ends and when I announce my winner, well… that’s just more awesome, no? I put my warning blurb for NIGHT BLIND below so you know what you’re in for when you buy the book. Don’t forget to take a peek at the OtherKind page in Titles. 😉 In honor of this second Spring Fling and the release of NIGHT BLIND (an Other Kind Prequel Part 2), I’m giving away FARSEEN (an Other Kind Prequel Part 1) in ebook format. So leave me a comment as your entry to win FARSEEN. And don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter belew and visit other author’s sites to win more goodies.


Night Blind

One shifter new to manlove, one witch new to threesomes, and one vampire who’s been there and done that… a thousand times. At least. They’re all new to each other. Add in crazed bad guys unleashing diseases of mass destruction, and well… what happens in Dallas, it’s not gonna stay in Dallas. Light m/m action, some anal and LOTS of hot menage.

**Publisher’s Note: This book is best read after FarSeen.



That the Council members had been waiting on her was obvious. They were milling around chatting instead of engaging in Council business. When they saw her, they all began to move toward their seats.

Shit, what they wanted to discuss with her must be important. This did not bode well.

Sara walked up to her, turning her head this way and that. “You look tired, Enforcer.” Then she dropped her voice. “You need to get laid, child. Sex magic will verve you right up.”

Oh, my God. Sara did not just say that to her. She was so old that most made allowances for her crazy utterances. Still, the head of the Council did not just tell her to get her groove on so she could get back some of her mojo. Good Christ. Talk about totally inappropriate.

“Enforcer, please be seated at the table,” Sara, crazy old bat that she was, ordered.


a Rafflecopter giveaway




Saturday Snippet: More Night Blind

NIGHT BLIND is available for immediate download over at the Totally Bound website. Click on the pic and it’ll take you right on over there. General release will be April 25, 2014. But why wait until then? Sheesh… instant gratification, peeps. ‘Nuff said. 😉

Preorder: 14th March 2014 (preorder through TEB website)
Prerelease: 28th March 2014 (available to buy on TEB website)
General Release: 25th April 2014 (available everywhere)


As Lucien, Rory, and Ellie navigate the intricacies of a full triad, including one man new to man-love, they also have to seek and destroy the source of the sickness afflicting witches.

Every Vampire Lord needs a shifter bodyguard. Rory has been Lucien’s for a while now. And although Rory’s been protecting Lucien’s body, Lucien has been just plain lusting after Rory. Unfortunately, Rory’s been rebuffing Lucien’s advances. That is, until Ellie comes along with her witchy bad self. The Witch Council is sending her to Dallas in her capacity as Enforcer. And to make matters more interesting, they’re also sending Lucien and Rory.

Ellie’s mission is to find and destroy the source of the witch sickness. Along the way, she uncovers Rory’s reason for hesitating in accepting Lucien’s advances. Rory’s never been with a man before. As a result, Rory and his wolf are confused when Lucien comes on to him. But with Ellie’s help, Rory’s not confused anymore. Now, what happens in Dallas… Well, it’s not going to stay in Dallas.

As Lucien, Rory, and Ellie navigate the intricacies of a full triad, they also have to navigate the treacherous home of the Dallas Vampire Lord during the winter solstice. Because something is rotten. And Ellie’s pretty sure it’s the Dallas Vampire Lord.


Warning… maybe: One shifter new to manlove, one witch new to threesomes, and one vampire who’s been there and done that… a thousand times. At least. They’re all new to each other. Add in crazed bad guys unleashing diseases of mass destruction, and well… what happens in Dallas, it’s not gonna stay in Dallas. Light m/m action, some anal and LOTS of hot menage.


“Get the fuck out of my way,” she snarled at the bloodsucking asshole who had stepped in her path.

Christ, she hadn’t signed on for this. She needed to find who she was looking for then get the fuck out of this pit. Before she did something stupid. Like taking out a bitch not on her kill list.

Blood dens were a crap shoot at the best of times. Some were all about the sex. Drawing humans with the lure of the best sex they would ever have in exchange for a little blood during the act. In well-run dens, most of the humans were left alive, and mostly intact. This one was all about exploitation, however. So not a good time for her. She wouldn’t be surprised if some of the humans here, who had signed the liability waiver, didn’t end up dead in this joint.

What flowed through her veins called to vampires. Her blood was sweet and it smelled that way. Almost like catnip for bloodsuckers. But more than that, hers was strong. Given the choice, most of the vamps in the den would have opened her vein and drained her dry—with or without a liability waiver.

Initially, it was her sword holding them back. As well it should. She wasn’t carrying it for looks. It was for killing. And everyone who saw her and saw it, knew it. In a race of killers, her blade was well respected.

Most of the vamps, even in the throes of blood glut, got out of her way. Self-preservation was a miraculous thing. As high as they were, they still knew death’s scent. Permanent death, not the kind that made vampires. The kind that sent them over to the other side. For good.

She felt the power of an older undead before she saw him. Not too strong, but still old. There was enough power in the approaching blood drinker to be the one to run this place. The power signature pressed closer and closer.

“Morrie,” she greeted him, even though she couldn’t see him.

He was approaching her from behind. It was done on purpose. To check her blind spot. Now he knew. They all did.

“Lady,” he gave her the respect of her title. Smart man.

Even if his obeisance came after he had felt how much more powerful she was, she didn’t comment on the hesitation in his greeting. Mostly it was the magic in her sword. But she wasn’t without natural power. She was a witch, after all. Her goddess’s arm of justice. Maybe not as strong as Ellie. But Ellie’s talent lay in healing. Hers lay in enforcing the laws and hunting down those who broke them. Witch rogues, vampire rogues, shape-shifter rogues, elven rogues. All of them. If they broke the law and stepped beyond redemption, she hunted them down and killed them.

She was on the hunt tonight.

“There’s a diseased vamp in here, Morrie. Find him. Bring him to me and I’ll leave the place standing,” she ordered.

“Don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout, Enforcer,” Morrie shot back.

“Morrie, I’ve been chasing this bastard all over town. I followed him here. I can feel him in here. Find him, bring him to me before I tear this fucking place apart trying to find him myself.” She knew he was lying. He knew she knew he was lying.

Time to find out why he was lying later. Right now, she had other things to do.

Morrie looked set to argue with her again. She let some of her magic out. Electricity started sparking from her body. Morrie’s eyes got big. He took a step back, throwing up his hands in supplication.

“If you don’t bring him to me immediately, I will burn this den down,” she said. Her sight developed a slight film as her power filled her. “You make me burn this place down, I’ll do it with everyone inside. Then it’ll be known that you were harboring a rogue and refused to give him to me. You won’t be well liked, Morrie. I won’t even have to hunt you down myself. Your lord will do it for me.”

“Yes, Lady.” Morrie scurried off to do her bidding. “I shall endeavor to find the one you seek immediately.”


Night Blind PreOrder

nightblind_800_2Night Blind is up for Pre-Order today on the Totally Bound website.  Click on the picture and it should take you straight to the page. It goes on sale everywhere next month on the 25th, but will be available for early download at Totally Bound on March 28.

This is the story of Ellie, Lucien and Rory. It is Part 2 of the Prequel to the OtherKind. FarSeen, which was released last year as part of the Wanton Witches Collection, was Part 1 of said Prequel.

Both are hot, serious,  and funny. Plus, they have vampires and werewolves and witches and magic and sex and all sorts of good stuff. The two female lead characters are sisters and witches. FarSeen starts the story and Night Blind ends it. And although, they can both be read alone, I think the story makes more sense when read together. But what do I know? I just write the damn things. 😉

This series has some bad bad guys. But it also has a great story about happily every afters and the good guys conquering in the end and all that comes with tales involving the forces of good against evil. And it has some hot sex. Did I mention most of these stories are menage, some are menage and more, and some are couple pairings. But the vast majority involve three players.

Here’s the blurb for the book in postcard form.




Saturday Snippet

To be Released: April/May 2014Part of the OtherKind series, Night Blind is Part 2 of the Prequel. FarSeen was Part 1. Part 1 was about Evie. Part 2 tells Ellie’s story.

Preorder: 14th March 2014 (available to preorder through TEB website)
Prerelease: 28th March 2014 (available to buy through TEB website)
General Release: 25th April 2014 (book becomes available everywhere)


As Lucien, Rory and Ellie navigate the intricacies of a full triad, including one man new to man-love, they also have to seek and destroy the source of the sickness afflicting witches.

Every Vampire Lord needs a shifter bodyguard. Rory has been Lucien’s for a while now. And although Rory’s been protecting Lucien’s body, Lucien has just been plain lusting after Rory’s body. Unfortunately, Rory’s been rebuffing Lucien’s advances. That is, until Ellie comes along with her witchy bad self. The Witch Council is sending her to Dallas in her capacity as Enforcer. And to make matters more interesting, they’re also sending Lucien and Rory.

Ellie’s mission is to find and destroy the source of the witch sickness. Along the way, she uncovers Rory’s reason for hesitating in accepting Lucien’s advances. Rory’s never been with a man before. As a result, Rory and his wolf were confused when Lucien came on to him. But with Ellie’s help, Rory’s not confused anymore. Now, what happens in Dallas… well, it’s not going to stay in Dallas.

As Lucien, Rory and Ellie navigate the intricacies of a full triad, they also have to navigate the treacherous home of the Dallas Vampire Lord during the winter solstice. Because something is rotten. And Ellie’s pretty sure it’s the Dallas Vampire Lord.



The door behind her opened. Her magic flared without any prompting from her. Only one other time had her magic reacted so violently without her volition.

She knew without turning around that Lucien and Rory had entered the Council Chambers. Great. Just what she needed.

“Good evening, Council Members.” Lucien’s voice was like liquid silk. He didn’t just talk, he all but purred when he spoke. Even after all the years he’d been alive, he retained just a hint of his French accent from his heritage.

It was unbelievably sexy.


Night Blind Cover Reveal and Saturday Snippet

Night Blind

nightblind_800_2 Just got my cover for NIGHT BLIND. It is so pretty. lol I really should wait to do a reveal until the edits and everything are all worked out. But I got so excited that I just couldn’t wait. I keep looking at the pretty, shiny and getting all excited. 🙂

This story is Part 2 of a 2 part prequel to my OtherKind series. The main characters in these two books are sisters. Unbeknownst to them, the witch sickness is the opening salvo by a madman bent on controlling the world, human and OtherKind alike. As sides are picked and lines are drawn, the world as they know it will be changed forever by this power struggle.

Night Blind is the story of Ellie, Lucien and Rory coming together as they hunt down the source of the witches’ magical sickness. Lucien is a Vampire Lord, Rory is Lucien’s werewolf body guard and Ellie is the witch sent to dispense the goddess’s justice. They’ve been sent to seek and destroy. Along the way, they find each other.

Ellie is Evie’s sister. Evie, Trent and Drew were featured in FarSeen. Anyway, here’s the blurb. Bear in mind that the blurb and snippet haven’t been edited at all. So, any mistakes are mine. Flog me. lol


Every Vampire Lord needs a shifter bodyguard. Rory’s been Lucien’s for a while now. And although Rory’s been protecting Lucien’s body, Lucien has just been plain lusting after Rory’s. Unfortunately, Rory’s been rebuffing Lucien’s advances; that is, until Ellie comes along with her witchy bad self. The Witch Council is sending her in her capacity as Enforcer to Dallas. And to make matters more interesting, they’re also sending Lucien and Rory

Ellie’s mission is to find and destroy the source of the witch sickness. Along the way, she uncovers Rory’s reason for hesitating in accepting Lucien’s advances. It isn’t because he doesn’t like or want Lucien. Rory does. He’s just never been with a man before. As a result, Rory and his wolf were confused when Lucien came on to him in the past. With Ellie’s help, Rory’s not confused anymore. Now, what happens in Dallas… well, it’s not going to stay in Dallas

As Lucien, Rory and Ellie navigate the intricacies of a full triad and one man new to manlove, they also have to navigate the treacherous home of Dallas Vampire Lord during the winter solstice. Because something is rotten in the Texas city. And Ellie’s pretty sure it’s the Dallas Vampire Lord.


“Thank you for your cooperation,” she said as she slid her blade into its sheath. It had taken her a long time to learn to sheath and unsheathe her blade in one move. It looked cool and impressed bad guys. It had the added benefit of not cutting off her neck at the same time. It was the latter she enjoyed the most. Although, she wasn’t adverse to imparting shock and awe in her opponents. “You can either call the Council for a pick up or dump him on the roof for the sun. The choice is yours.”

“The Lord sent word that he wishes to speak with you,” Morrie told her, ignoring her disposal instructions.

“Tell Luc I’ll get back to him,” she replied.

Morrie’s eyes got big  and wild while his guards went solid. “Enforcer, I don’t think he’ll be pleased by that news.”

His eyes stayed big. She wasn’t sure if he was shocked she wasn’t scurrying off to call the Vampire Lord or if it was because she had just called the Vampire Lord Luc. Probably a bit of both.

“Don’t care. I got a job to do, Morrie. I don’t have time to detour to speak to your Lord,” she was bone tired. She needed to report in to the Council. But she needed sleep. Killing rogues and drawing her power had left her very, very tired. “If he doesn’t like it, tell him to take it up with the Council.”

She turned and walked out the room. The scent of ozone receded as she made her way to the rear exit. She had no desire to walk down the hall again listening to people fucking and sucking, nor did she want to go through the packed blood den’s bar area.

She stepped through and walked out into the night.

I hope you enjoyed the cover, blurb and snippet! NIGHT BLIND will available early next year.

Preorder: 14th March 2014 (book becomes available to preorder through TEB website)
Prerelease: 28th March 2014 (book becomes available to buy through TEB website)
General Release: 25th April 2014 (book becomes available everywhere)

OtherKind Series

I wrote about how my brain thinks in series, mostly, and not standalone books a few days back. It does. Apparently, that is how my brain is wired. As a result, I have a Paranormal Romance series- OtherKind, with witches, shifters, fae and vampires and sundry of other paranormal creatures. It’s a world shared by humans. It is an interesting world. A world where monsters can be anyone and heroes tested in life or death situations. And where love relationships rarely, if ever, happen with just two people.

Total-E-Bound is publishing two novellas that make up the prequel to the issues that the protagonists will face in the books that follow. Yes, a two book prequel. I know most people have one book as the prequel. But that can’t be helped. My prequel needs two novellas to start the story arc. So that’s what there is. So there. The first novella is called FarSeen and it is being released as part of the Wanton Witches line. The second, Night Blind,  just got a contract offer. I haven’t got a release date yet. But I am hoping it will be sometime in December. My fingers are crossed.

The next two books in the series starts the main show. One is a novella and the other is a novel. They are stories about how the different Others come out to the humans, who will be in control of the world and the age-old battle between good and evil. By the time the story arc wraps up, the world as the people in my books know it is changed as are the people themselves. Some parts of the world are better, others not so much. There is love and betrayal. Lust and denial. Friends who become enemies and enemies who become allies.

A tall order in the grand scheme of things. Even with multiple books, these subjects will never get fully exhausted. Universal questions will never get a definitive answer. But the OtherKind series will showcase humor, strength and being true to oneself in the face of change- drastic, monumental, world-shifting change. And I hope you come to love the characters as much as I love them. And get lost in the world like I have. Welcome to my mind- told and seen, in the form of a series.