Random Thoughts Part 7

SCOTUS sketch : last day of 2012 term (Art Lien)


The Supreme Court of the United States has always been a fickle bitch. Or at least their opinions have. This past week has been no exceptions. On the one hand, they ruled legislation regarding gay marriage vis-a-vis DOMA okay. Which makes all of us cheer. Well, not those that think homosexuality is bad, bad, bad. And marriage between one man and one woman evil and contrary to the bible- notwithstanding biblical marriages of more than one person, sexual congress with handmaidens of the wives, bedwarmers, etc. And on the other hand, struck down legislation designed to keep voting districts from unnecessarily preventing minorities be represented at the state and federal levels. Which is weird since we still have racism and one of the primary ways to perpetuate institutional racism is vis-a-vis voting and elected officials. People in power tend to want to stay in power and draw districting lines in a manner to prevent minority votes from being a majority in many areas. The thing is both these issues sprung from legislation. And on the one hand, SCOTUS said legislation was okay and proper, then on the other hand said legislation wasn’t okay and wasn’t proper. So they used Congresses ability to make legislation to uphold one law and then said in the other case it wasn’t okay for Congress to make legislation. Strange. Bizarre. And totally at odds with what happened in both cases. You can’t have it both ways. Either Congress can legislate shit or they can’t.


As more time passes, more plagiarist are being ferreted out. Seriously? WTF? Teresa Mummert has a whole diagram to show how one person has plagiarized several books under various names and through various social media outlets has been promoting those sames books and/or leaving positive reviews for their alter-ego characters. Either this person grew up in a con- running family or has serious split personality disorder. Maybe both. So many books being ripped off. Get a clue. The internet which allows this to occur so easily also helps to find these stupid bastards just as easily. In the time it took for this person to set up social media accounts, upload books, leave reviews, etc., they could’ve written a book and sold it. Like an original one. But my view of plagiarist still stands. Plagiarist plagiarize because they are lazy, stupid and weak. The lights are on but nobody’s home. You can’t wash off stupid. And BTW, what this person did wasn’t smart or showed intelligence, it showed cunning. Cunning is sooooo not the same as intelligence or having an original thought. It is something vastly different. Vastly.


Wendy Davis as the nation watched on.


Watching Wendy Davis’s  filibuster in Texas against a bill which would severely curtail a woman’s right to abortion made me a little happy this week. Not only did the bill not get a chance to be voted on, it showed me again why I like democracy.  Seriously. Then the Republicans tried to lie and alter the record. But, internet is a truth seekers friend. Within moments, the real record had been screen captured and put up showing the slicky boy moves of the Republicans. Which just goes to show, ain’t nothing cheaters won’t do to cheat.  I don’t care if you are pro choice or pro life, you need to allow the most inclusive legislation so that people, especially the ones who don’t hold the same views as those in power, can express their beliefs and not be stifled. And abortion is just such an area which lends itself to this philosophy. Just because you are Christian and believe abortion is wrong doesn’t mean you get to shove that viewpoint down others’ throats. That would be like a Hindu making you not be able to kill your beef cows because they are sacred and forcing that provision into law. Or – insert religion here, forcing Jewish people or Shintoist or, or, or…to- insert a act which is vile and oppressive to Jews, Shintoist, etc. etc. etc.,  here. And then do this again for every religion under the sun. Seriously, stop the madness. Not every body believes in the same religious things as you. Make it so you have a choice to follow your beliefs as well as them having a choice to follow their beliefs. This course of action is LOGICAL. Really it is.

Conventional wisdom says I shouldn’t post controversial political views in my blog. Kiss my ass. My blog. My opinions. My voice. We don’t have to share the same beliefs. We just have to respect that we can each have ’em. No matter what. DIVERSITY- try it.

That is all.

No News is No News

I haven’t watched the news in years. I stopped watching when we, as a nation,  first went to the desert to find a man about some bombs. At that time, we detoured into another country that also had sand to find a man that was a bully. See when you know people that were in that huge sand box, watching the news wasn’t so much about the general state of the world and our actions in the world. There had been incidences where people had been watching TV and saw something. That something had been reported in real time and those people watching hadn’t been given notice that the occurrence had occurred. I didn’t want that to happen to me. So I stopped watching the news.

It’s been many years since I last watched the news regularly. I’m not a news nazi. I don’t turn off the TV if it inadvertently gets put on the evening news. I just don’t try to find a channel covering news. I don’t think I’ve missed much by not tuning into current events. If I want to know something, I know how to acquire that information. If something really big happens, I know that I will find out. Because big events have a way of making themselves known through various other outlets that don’t have me watching the news directly.

News stories are typically as follows: someone died, someone got swindled out of a bunch of money, politicians are fighting each other and one or more celebrities are acting poorly. On any given day, those stories are what gets reported with differing names depending on who the story is actually about. The individual names change, the news stories do not. And I just don’t care. Unless it directly impacts me and my life, those same news stories being reported again and again with minor variations in theme just don’t interest me. If it does directly impact me, trust me, someone will tell me in some way that doesn’t include me watching the news.

This past week is a prime example. I didn’t find out about Boston or Texas by watching the news. I was told from various other social and media outlets. So my ability to know what is happening in the world around me isn’t detrimentally effected by shutting off the evening and late night news. But my quality of life is so much better for not listening to the drivel that passes for news today. Important information gets filtered to me while I cut out the bullshit that is routinely reported. Win-Win. For me at least.

I might start watching the news if they gave me stories about humanitarian efforts in little known areas or achievements by people who no one had thought would be achievers or something different from the typical stories I listed above. But that doesn’t happen. Won’t happen. We have a serious homogenization of the news going on. And where a few years ago or a few decades ago, you could get different news from differing news outlets, that just doesn’t happen anymore. It could be because most news is owned by big conglomerates that own several news outlets and pump out the same news stories. Don’t get me wrong, some news organizations do slant the news depending on their political and philosophical outlooks but they are still reporting the same stories. It’s just done with a conservative slant or a liberal slant or a religious slant. Same shit, same shit.

I stopped watching the news many years ago and it hasn’t effected by ability to gather information about the things I want to know about. I don’t notice the loss of not watching the news. Not one bit. If anything, it has made my life better. The information I receive is more streamlined and tailored to what interests me. I feel that all in all, I am better off not watching the news. How sad is that?